Aging Affects Everyone
The physical and financial challenges of aging don’t just affect the elderly who are facing them firsthand. Their issues have a tremendous impact on everyone around them. This doesn’t just mean their spouses or partners, but also their extended families, friends, and communities. In fact, the challenges of aging impact all of society — local communities, states, and the country as a whole.

The Effects of Caregiving
“My family will take care of me” isn’t the best long term care strategy. It doesn’t take into account the huge impact caregiving has on loved ones. Learn more about the financial, psychological, and physical toll that caregiving has on caregivers.

Conversation Starters
The best way to prepare for future long term care needs is to start talking about them now. Get tips on how to get the conversation going today.

Family Stories
You’re not alone when it comes to the challenges of aging. See how families like yours handle long term care needs.